How to download your Facebook leads

23 Dec 2020 | Facebook Guides

If you are running Lead Generation Ads on Facebook, you may need to manually download your list of leads when you need them. Please note that leads are only available for download for 90 days from when they were collected from your ads.

If you are running Lead Generation Ads regularly, we would advise that you setup some kind of CRM or Email Marketing connection to automatically download your leads and ensure you can quickly respond to their interest.

To download your latest leads from Facebook, just head to your Facebook Page and click on Leads Centre.

Then, on the right hand side is a little Download Button, click this and your latest leads will be downloaded as a CSV file.

Every time you downloads your leads, you can select them all and change their Stage within the Lead Centre. That way when you return, you can download a new list of only the new leads that have come through since last time.

You can also use the Stage and Labels feature to manage your leads directly within Facebook.

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