Terms and conditions for giveaways

26 Jan 2021 | Facebook Guides

Giveaways are fun and a great way to increase your organic engagement on social media, or give your paid promotion a nice little kicker. For examples of successful giveaways, please see our blog post.

This tool has been provided for the use of our clients in Australia to create their own Terms and Conditions for Facebook and Instagram Giveaways, as required by Meta. Please note that Meta may change their policies at any time.

There are 2 different Terms and Conditions templates:

  1. Game of Chance – Please be aware you may need a permit in some Australian states to run a random prize draw.
  2. Game of Skill – Suitable for most national promotions in Australia without a permit.

You can generate your own unique Giveaway Terms and Conditions using an online tool. You will then receive an email with your terms, that you should reference in your social media promotion.

Please also ensure you have a Privacy Policy on your website.

Agent Digital Australia provides no guarantee, and accepts no legal liability, for the accuracy, reliability, currency or completeness of the material generated by this tool. You should always seek your own appropriate independent professional legal advice where necessary. By using our tools, you agree to our website terms of use.

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